Effects of Screentime on Children


September 7, 2024

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effects of screen time on children

These days, with technology surrounding every corner, screen time has come to be an integrated part of our lives. From the television to smartphones and from tabs to computers, screens are everywhere we go. That might be true; screens have come to be an integral part of daily life, but the question that remains in everybody’s mind is: how much screen time do kids deserve?

In this blog, we will try to comprehend what screen time is, the trends gaining momentum in recent times, and how it affects the growth and development of children.

What is Screen Time?

Screen time refers to the amount of time a person spends using devices with screens, such as televisions, computers, smartphones, and tablets. For children, screen time can include watching cartoons, playing video games, using educational apps, or simply browsing the internet. Though the screens may be educative and entertaining, too much exposure to the screens does have a great impact on the well-being of the children.

Growing Popularity of Screen Time in the Modern World

The popularity of screen time has increased manifold in the present world. In fact, due to the advancement of technology, screens are more accessible today than ever. Children get introduced to screens very early, and most parents depend on digital gadgets to keep their kids busy.

Educational programs, interactive games, and online learning have also increased kids’ screen time. However, with the screen becoming an integral part of life, one needs to be more and more sensitive to the impact it is having in the minds and bodies of the young generation.

Screen Time and Its Effects on the Growth of Children

Screen time can have different kinds of influences on children’s growth: positive and negative. While it can be highly educative for kids, teaching them new things and developing their cognitive skills, too much screen time is one of the major reasons for physical, mental, and emotional challenges with which children suffer nowadays. It is very important to find a balance in activities that can maintain healthy growth and development in children.

10 Reasons Why Extreme Screen Time is Bad for Them

Reason #1: Sleep Quality Impaired:

Excessive screen time, especially before going to bed, would hinder the sleep pattern of children. Blue light emitted from screens restricts melatonin production that supports sleep. Hence, it might make it difficult for them to fall asleep easily or have proper quality sleep and that could be detrimental to their health and day-to-day functioning.

Reason #2: Sedentary Lifestyle:

Spending more time with screens often encourages a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of playing outside, children may get into the habit of sitting for extended periods of time, which may perpetuate obesity and other health issues. Regular physical activities are helpful in keeping body weight normal and promote good overall health.

Reason #3: Eye Strain:

Long exposure to screens, too, can result in eye strain. Children can develop symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. Prolonged concentration on the screen may result in long-term effects, including “computer vision syndrome,” that may affect eyesight in the long run.

Reason#4: Brain Development:

The early life of a child is considered to be the most critical period in the development of his or her brain. Excessive screen time disrupts this process by limiting the time a child would have engaged in creative play, exploration, and social interaction. All these activities form a significant foundation for developing cognition, motor skills, and social competence.

Reason #5: Isolation:

Children who spend too much time on screen might turn into socially isolated children. A child stops staying in a relationship with family members or peers and instead likes to function or stay closer to digital things. That, in turn, can create loneliness and fail to help in the social development skills in the child.

Reason #6: Social Anxiety:

Excessive screen time, especially with media, is detrimental to development because it will eventually make them have social anxiety. This may result from what they will post online and the desire to fit in or to be like others; thus, a dent in self-esteem with high anxiety levels.

Reason #7: Emotional Development:

Screentime is also linked to children’s emotional development. This can expose the child to various violent and inappropriate content that affects their behaviour and ways of feeling. This type of excessive exposure to screens has also led to children’s emotional detachment; it becomes hard for kids to be in touch with their feelings or be able to connect with others.

Reason #8: Impact on Learning:

While the screen could be educative, excessive exposure to screen time negatively impacts the learning of children. This may limit their attention span, reduce their critical thinking ability, and easily make them lose focus on activities that require much concentration, such as reading or homework.

Reason #9: Addictive Content:

Digital games, apps, and videos have been specifically built to be addictive. Children may easily get attached to such content, leading into compulsive screen use that could interfere with their daily routines, relationships, and overall well-being.

Reason #10: Mental Health:

Excessive screen time has been linked to a plethora of mental health issues in children. These include anxiety, depression, and mood swings. The children are overloaded by continuous exposure to digital content, which they are not able to handle; this disrupts their emotional balance and dampens their positive outlook.

Also read, Montessori Bookshelf

How to Reduce Screen Time?

While screen time is unavoidable in this digital world, there are multiple ways parents can lessen its impact on their children.

Tip #1: Plan Screen Time:

Place certain limits on the time your child spends on screens each day. Set up a schedule with screen time included, among other priorities like homework, outdoor play, and family bonding.

Tip #2: Screen-Free Zones:

Try making your dining or bedroom a no-screen zone, for example. This helps your kids learn to converse well and enjoy their meals together or get a good night’s sleep without the interference of screens.

Tip #3: Parental Role Modelling:

Children often mimic what they see their parents doing. You can show your child positively what screen-free behavior looks like, like limiting one’s screen time and using the time otherwise occupied by screens in other pursuits.

Tip #4: Outdoor activities:

Encourage your child to spend more hours outdoors playing. Not only will outdoor activities help them physically stay fit, but they will also ensure interaction with society, creativity, and the development of exploration.

Tip #5: Books and Board Games:

Introduce your child to books, kids magazine, and board games. Reading and playing games with them is fun and instructive, as it develops language, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities.


In other words, though screen time is an element of modern life, the knack lies in its management judiciously, especially in the case of children. Excess screen time may usher in a host of problems that would affect the overall physical, mental, and emotional health of children. Setting limits, making areas that are screen-free, and promoting activities besides those on screens will ensure healthy, happy, wholesome children.



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